Westminster Bridge at Night

Westminster Bridge at Night
Taxi pickup on Westminster Bridge, London

Friday, 11 January 2019


A rare photo of me smiling (it's not wind).
Well, I'm holding a camera, so I would be, wouldn't I?

Welcome to my BKB Images blog.

I'm Brian and this is me. Not much to look at am I? Which is why I prefer to be shooting pictures rather than starring in them.

I guess it's fair to say that I am probably at my very happiest and most content when I am left to my own devices to potter about behind a camera, recording my view of the world.

I regard myself as a work-in-progress. In photography terms, that is. I reckon it's probably too late to make any other changes!

I'm no expert but I have learned one or two tricks along the way. And I am developing a Photographer's Eye, which is not a mid-forehead appendage, but a way of finding an interest in details and subjects which maybe others would pass by without a second glance.

The purpose of this blog is to display some of my images and talk about them. I'm not here to lecture or show how clever I am (because really, I'm not) but I may occasionally talk about something on the technical side that I have learned.

There are far better and more successful photographers in the world. But I have come a long way since I took it up seriously and I hope that you both enjoy the images I share and that you want to comment upon them.

You can see many more of my contributions on Flikr, Instagram and Facebook. Just look for BKB Images.

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